Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The name's Rudy

The first syllable of "RUDY" (RU) has an onset of a voiced alveolar liquids with a rhyme of a low central vowel. The last vowel (DY) has an onset of a voiced alveolar stops with a rhyme of a low central vowel.

IPA transcription: rudi
Start by placing the tip of your tongue on the alveolar ridge which is the rough part just behind your upper teeth, making a "Roo" sound (RU) letting the air stream flow through the sides of your tongue . Then make the tip of your tongue touch the alveoar ridge and say "dee" (DY). Combine both syllables to say RUDY.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog assignement ONE: Banneker & Equiano (ENG 101)

Benjamin Banneker, who wrote a letter to former US president Thomas Jefferson,
was a former  slave.  He wrote this letter in 1791 and it became a popular letter  
thanks to its strong words, and also because Benjamin was a quite well known,
as he had studied Astronomy and also wrote an almanac. Some of his major sayings
were that all human should be treated equally as human rights are given to every
one of us by the ‘universal father’  as he created all of us equally, that at a time in his
own life Thomas Jefferson needed help, and also that Thomas Jefferson was
counteracting gods mercies by doing what he was doing.

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano  is the description of slavery
Life by Equiano after all slaves were set free  in 1830.  He had a decent part of
Childhood with his parents but was after kidnapped by slave masters.  He then lived
a miserable life, through which he was on a slave ship for some time. On that ship he
had different emotions such as fear, as he did not know what was going to happen to
on that ship, astonishment, as he was seeing and learning lots of stuff for the first
time in his life such as countries and languages and also the slaves jumping from the
ship,as they were willing to die.

All human beings are equal, but not all of them that see it through that way.  What
Equiano has witnessed on the slave ship is a proof that some people still treated
Others, mainly the black, as inferior to them.  The white people considered
themselves superior because of their skin color. They believed that the black people
had no value and should be treated just like animals. Even though people say that all
human are equal, slave masters were more interested in power and kept on ill-
treating black people.  At that time, we could say that the main reason things
weren’t changing because there was no one courageous enough to step up and set
a good example of how to treat those slaves, or also there wasn’t people who really
thought about it.

Even though all human felt the ‘same sensations’, not all of them agreed that they
were all the same, and just wanted to dominate others.  It became a habit for them,
something built inside them that made them always think that they were superior
so it was difficult to make them change their mind. But in my opinion the main
reason why slave traders couldn’t stop slavery was as I said,  because they were too
obsessed by the power they had, and also as there weren’t any person or group to
stand up against them and set an example, just like Martin Luther King or Mahatma
Ghandi did.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Diagnostic- Equiano

ENG 101- JR Coopers

I believe that panic and fear are undoubtedly the most important emotional knowledges communicated by slaves. I believe this because they are the daily emotions felt by a slave, without ending, unless they are killed and also, because that fear pushes the slaves to take decisions, for example running away, which could end up being successful. Fear is the most important emotional knowledge also because as we can see in the text Equiano say’s “ I expected every moment, when I heard rustling among the trees, to be found out, and punished by my master. “ This shows that he felt fear permanently and that was having a huge negative impact on him.

Fear is felt throughout the passage, which makes it, in my opinion, the most important one. We may see at some times during the passage some sort of relief from him, but a simple sound or action was enough to make fear dominate his feelings again. “Night too began to approach, and that aggravated all my fears.” Even though Equiano was at times confident that he could find a way to run away from his masters, fear made him take a step back and put him into despair. He ‘entertained hopes of getting home and had determined when it should be dark to make the attempt’ at first but after that his fear made him realize that he would not be able to escape from the human, ‘and that, now knowing the way, I must perish in the woods. Thus was I like the hunted deer.’ Fear impacted Equiano also as we can see that had not eaten or drank during the whole day. His only thought was running away, and I’m pretty sure that his fear contributed to the fact that he didn’t eat or drink. This point shows us that fear is also having a bad effect on his health.

So in the end we see various reasons why fear is the most important emotional knowledge felt by the slaves. They feel it everyday, everywhere they are and no matter what they do. It also has a huge impact on themselves and also on the decisions to make, which will make that they either remain alive and keep on suffering and die to end everything.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Impressions on Cluster

I am pretty satisfied by the way things are going in my classes. The professors are friendly and teach properly, which is the most important. It is somehow confusing at times as the classes go by pretty fastly but i'm confident that i'll adapt to it in a week or two. But I really like the atmosphere in class and everyday is a new adventure at school, as each day I come here I discover lots of new things.

As we are still at the beginning, I havent really noticed the connections between the different classes. For now they all seem to be completely different. But i'll surely notice the connections soon. They're all interesting topics and i'm really willing to learn about all of them. I am also confident of understanding easily what will be taught thanks to the teaching skills of my professors.